Dear mates,
I decided to make some cfg's for you. So i shared with some of you, since you kept asking about it.. It was really good, and i decided to make more, and i'll release on private board when we got our forum back.
Today, i went playing ET, trying out my cfg on some more servers.. then i saw a guy called =|eG|= Jok3r passing by. I asked him why he was wearing tags, since he is not member. He said he had some friends in eG (i am not calling names). I said to remove the tags, but he wouldn't listen.. he also said that my cfg was nice, accureflex.. the one i shared with just some of you. He said he had it from *Not calling names*. So i went asking around and i found out that someone had leaked it, for a trade...
So guys, im asking you, never ever "trade" a private cfg. Because the file(s) you'll get are probably leaked aswell, and won't work.. or you won't get it at all.. So please, think before you leak..
ps: I've talked with this certain person who leaked it, don't ask who it was or try to find out.. let it rest...
So, Think before you share private cfgs, especially from others!
BTW: next one who leaks even a ping-cfg, you wont go easy like this...